Hypnotherapy for Gastric Band

Hypnotherapy for gastric band technique

As part of the weight loss program I offer, clients often request that they are fitted with an hypnotic gastric band. This is a simple process without any pain or side effects! Following a detailedĀ assessmentĀ and having considered all the associated emotional conditions for your weight issues, this helps reduce appetite size and restore you natural hunger andĀ satiationĀ hormones.

The hypnotic gastric band allows you to become more in tune with your body and enables you to make changes to your eating habits without the regime of strict diets.

You learn to be in control of your eating and to be free from the endless circle of dieting and weight gain.

A sensible plan, designed to create a healthy environment for you to reach your desired weight and body shape.

Make an appointment with me at my clinic in Lexden, Colchester and achieve that size you want to be.


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