Overcoming Stuttering…Hypnosis can help

Stuttering affects many people and can make social and work situations difficult and uncomfortable for the sufferer.

Hypnotherapy Directory staff member discusses a personal experience of stuttering

“We explore how stuttering has affected a member of the Hypnotherapy Directory team, and how hypnotherapy can be used to manage the problem.

A personal experience of stuttering

Software Engineer James, discusses how living with aĀ stutter has affected him:

ā€œWell Iā€™ve stuttered on and off throughout my life. Itā€™s not very prominent now and people rarely notice when it happens.

In my first year of university it was particularly bad. Itā€™s usually direct questions that trip me up. Back then it was mainly when people asked me what course I studied at university, where I was from ā€“ basically things that have only one answer.

Since then the main issue is more the stress of thinking I might stammer. New situations in particular ā€“ for example, I was more worried about giving details to the guy at the garage the other day when I took my car in for a MOT than the car failing.

It can stop you from being social in general, particularly meeting new people where Iā€™m more likely to get questions that I might struggle with.

If I have trouble in general conversation, I can think of different words quick enough for people not to notice.

For me as itā€™s so mild and people donā€™t usually notice, it adds more stress. It makes it more stressful than if the stammer was obvious I would imagine.ā€

Hypnotherapy Directory member Dan Regan explains how hypnotherapy can help with people like James who suffer from stuttering.

ā€œHypnotherapy can be incredibly helpful for someone seeking help with a stutter.

It is always important that a hypnotherapist works with the individual in front of them, what happens for them, when it happens and so forth. This allows a very individual approach that is much more likely to lead to success.

It may be that there are specific situations, people or other individual triggers. For example, I have helped people who only stutter in situations where they feel they are being judged or observed, such as in social situations or when public speaking. Using hypnotherapy it is possible to help someone develop new strategies or to call upon their resources from other types of situations to learn how to ease stuttering.

Stress and anxiety can play a large role both generally and if someone worries that they may stutter or about what other people might think about them if they do. There can also be the frustration of stammering and it could impact on confidence and self-esteem.

Hypnotherapy is an excellent tool for dealing with any issues such as anxiety, stress and self-esteem to help someone be more relaxed and feel more confident. Once issues such as anxiety and stress are addressed, the stammering will often ease. I would always suggest that someone with a stutter also consults their medical practitioner if they have any concerns.ā€ ”

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Hypnotherapy for Fear of Flying

With so many people jetting away this Summer, fear of flying can turn the excitement of the holiday into a sickening experience. Daily mail reporter turns to hypnotherapy with excellent results.

Daily Mirror Report

A man is flying high after hypnosis cured his fear of planes and is now planning toĀ travel the world.

After vowing to never step foot on a plane again 34-year-old Alex Moldovan has managed to again after just two hypnotherapy sessions.

Alex – who is based in Maynooth, Co Kildare – explained how his phobia of flying came about.

He said: ā€œI used to be fine on planes and even managed a trip from Tokyo years ago, no problem.

ā€œOver the last six or seven years something changed and it just got worse and worse.

ā€œIt was a gradual thing but it reached breaking point on a flight from Mexico to Ireland last November.
ā€œWe went through massive turbulence on the way back.

ā€œI just had panic attacks and I didnā€™t eat or sleep or do anything at all for those ten hours.

ā€œAfterwards I said I would never get on a plane again.ā€

The journey is over 3,000km long and non-stop driving Alex reckons it takes about three or four days.

When friends were planning a trip of a lifetime to Thailand, Alex even started mapping out the driving route but realised he might hit a problem getting through Burma.

Restaurant owner Alex said a friend intervened and booked him in with renowned hypnotist Jason Oā€™Callaghan, who is based at The D4 Hypnotherapy Clinic in Blackrock, Dublin.

Alex admits that he was apprehensive about what to expect from his first session in May.

He said: ā€œI didnā€™t believe it would work, Iā€™d heard different stories about hypnotherapy but Iā€™d got to the stage that I had no choice but to try it or Iā€™d never travel by plane again.
ā€œI didnā€™t know what it would be like or what would happen.

ā€œAt first he just asked me general questions and I had a funny feeling where I was so relaxed, like I was going to sleep.

ā€œThen he asked me to lie down and just listen.
ā€œThere was no major thing but everything he said just clicked.

ā€œHe recorded the session and I listened to it every night for half an hour.ā€

He said: ā€œAs soon as I sat on the plane I listened to his recording on my headphones and slept all the way.ā€

Alex is hoping to travel on a long-haul flight to Argentina later this year and says he is glad hypnotherapy will help to see the world.

He said: ā€œIā€™m 100% sure it would have held me back, I would have never got on a plane again otherwise.ā€