Overcoming Stuttering…Hypnosis can help

Stuttering affects many people and can make social and work situations difficult and uncomfortable for the sufferer.

Hypnotherapy Directory staff member discusses a personal experience of stuttering

“We explore how stuttering has affected a member of the Hypnotherapy Directory team, and how hypnotherapy can be used to manage the problem.

A personal experience of stuttering

Software Engineer James, discusses how living with a stutter has affected him:

“Well I’ve stuttered on and off throughout my life. It’s not very prominent now and people rarely notice when it happens.

In my first year of university it was particularly bad. It’s usually direct questions that trip me up. Back then it was mainly when people asked me what course I studied at university, where I was from – basically things that have only one answer.

Since then the main issue is more the stress of thinking I might stammer. New situations in particular – for example, I was more worried about giving details to the guy at the garage the other day when I took my car in for a MOT than the car failing.

It can stop you from being social in general, particularly meeting new people where I’m more likely to get questions that I might struggle with.

If I have trouble in general conversation, I can think of different words quick enough for people not to notice.

For me as it’s so mild and people don’t usually notice, it adds more stress. It makes it more stressful than if the stammer was obvious I would imagine.”

Hypnotherapy Directory member Dan Regan explains how hypnotherapy can help with people like James who suffer from stuttering.

“Hypnotherapy can be incredibly helpful for someone seeking help with a stutter.

It is always important that a hypnotherapist works with the individual in front of them, what happens for them, when it happens and so forth. This allows a very individual approach that is much more likely to lead to success.

It may be that there are specific situations, people or other individual triggers. For example, I have helped people who only stutter in situations where they feel they are being judged or observed, such as in social situations or when public speaking. Using hypnotherapy it is possible to help someone develop new strategies or to call upon their resources from other types of situations to learn how to ease stuttering.

Stress and anxiety can play a large role both generally and if someone worries that they may stutter or about what other people might think about them if they do. There can also be the frustration of stammering and it could impact on confidence and self-esteem.

Hypnotherapy is an excellent tool for dealing with any issues such as anxiety, stress and self-esteem to help someone be more relaxed and feel more confident. Once issues such as anxiety and stress are addressed, the stammering will often ease. I would always suggest that someone with a stutter also consults their medical practitioner if they have any concerns.” ”

Original Source:



Hypnotherapy for Fear of Flying

With so many people jetting away this Summer, fear of flying can turn the excitement of the holiday into a sickening experience. Daily mail reporter turns to hypnotherapy with excellent results.

Daily Mirror Report

A man is flying high after hypnosis cured his fear of planes and is now planning to travel the world.

After vowing to never step foot on a plane again 34-year-old Alex Moldovan has managed to again after just two hypnotherapy sessions.

Alex – who is based in Maynooth, Co Kildare – explained how his phobia of flying came about.

He said: “I used to be fine on planes and even managed a trip from Tokyo years ago, no problem.

“Over the last six or seven years something changed and it just got worse and worse.

“It was a gradual thing but it reached breaking point on a flight from Mexico to Ireland last November.
“We went through massive turbulence on the way back.

“I just had panic attacks and I didn’t eat or sleep or do anything at all for those ten hours.

“Afterwards I said I would never get on a plane again.”

The journey is over 3,000km long and non-stop driving Alex reckons it takes about three or four days.

When friends were planning a trip of a lifetime to Thailand, Alex even started mapping out the driving route but realised he might hit a problem getting through Burma.

Restaurant owner Alex said a friend intervened and booked him in with renowned hypnotist Jason O’Callaghan, who is based at The D4 Hypnotherapy Clinic in Blackrock, Dublin.

Alex admits that he was apprehensive about what to expect from his first session in May.

He said: “I didn’t believe it would work, I’d heard different stories about hypnotherapy but I’d got to the stage that I had no choice but to try it or I’d never travel by plane again.
“I didn’t know what it would be like or what would happen.

“At first he just asked me general questions and I had a funny feeling where I was so relaxed, like I was going to sleep.

“Then he asked me to lie down and just listen.
“There was no major thing but everything he said just clicked.

“He recorded the session and I listened to it every night for half an hour.”

He said: “As soon as I sat on the plane I listened to his recording on my headphones and slept all the way.”

Alex is hoping to travel on a long-haul flight to Argentina later this year and says he is glad hypnotherapy will help to see the world.

He said: “I’m 100% sure it would have held me back, I would have never got on a plane again otherwise.”


Yvette Fielding Uses Hypnosis to Settle Nerves

‘I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!’ contestant Yvette Fielding has admitted she has been doing DIY hypnotherapy to overcome her fears, ahead of entering the jungle. REA

Source: Yvette Has An Unconventional Way Of Helping ‘I’m A Celeb’ Nerves

‘I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!’ contestant Yvette Fielding has admitted she has been doing DIY hypnotherapy to overcome her fears, ahead of entering the jungle.

The former ‘Blue Peter’ and ‘Most Haunted’ presenter admitted she is feeling very nervous about taking part on the ITV reality show, and has turned to alternative ways of making herself braver.

yvette fielding

Yvette Fielding
“I went online and got hypnotised,” she said.

“I found this site on YouTube where you could hypnotise yourself to be braver. And when I woke up, I did feel a little bit more confident about going in. I think preparation could be a key in making yourself more confident.”

Specifically, Yvette is feeling the most worried about taking part in the eating challenges, where campmates are fed a variety of jungle nasties.

However, she has been trying to practise at home for those as well, and has found an unconventional replacement for some of the critters.

“I have been practising with rice!” she said. “I have been pretending the rice is a maggot and throwing it to the back of my mouth without actually tasting it.

“I am trying to get myself mentally prepared for the challenges ahead. I will try and give everything my best shot. It’s definitely a case of mind over matter.

“Then again, if I am given a big kangaroo penis, I don’t know how I will cope with that! God knows what is going to happen there!”

yvette fielding

Yvette has been practicing the Bush Tucker Challenges at home
Of her decision to enter the show, she added: “A huge reason for doing this is I have hit the menopause stage and it has made me want to see as much of the world as I can.”

Yvette is among 10 new faces who Ant and Dec will welcome into the jungle on Sunday night.

‘I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!’ launches on Sunday (15 November) at 9pm on ITV.

Hypnotherapy helps man with agoraphobia.

Jeremy Norton had been too afraid to leave his house since the age of 20 but has been cured by hypnotherapy

Jeremy Norton

Jeremy Norton

Source :
A MAN who suffered from agoraphobia for 20 years says he has been cured – after just three sessions of hypnotherapy.

‘I was so terrified of water even Princes Quay was scary. But hypnotherapy cured me’ | Hull Daily Mail

Source: ‘I was so terrified of water even Princes Quay was scary. But hypnotherapy cured me’ | Hull Daily Mail

‘I was so terrified of water even Princes Quay was scary. But hypnotherapy cured me’

By Hull Daily Mail  |  Posted: October 07, 2015

  • Emma Carter was determined to overcome her fear of water.

WHEN her best friend decided to hold a wedding party on a boat, Emma Carter knew she had to finally overcome her lifelong fear of water.

Just a few weeks ago, Miss Carter was so gripped by fear she would even avoid the waterside parts of Princes Quay Shopping Centre.

But now after receiving an hour of hypnotherapy, the west Hull fashion designer says she is cured.

Miss Carter, who was chief bridesmaid for her friend, Amy Usher’s wedding to David Goldsmith in Cyprus last moth, said: “The jelly legs have gone.

“Never in a billion years did I think I’d be sunbathing on the mesh part of a catamaran with the sea lapping underneath me.”

It is thought her phobia – or hydrophobia to give it its correct name – was sparked as a youngster at Hull Marina.

“My grandad Ray worked the docks,” said Miss Carter, 34. “I remember as a kid being really scared of the water.

“Because he worked there, he’d try and push me to like the water, but it never worked.

“Nothing ever happened to give me the phobia, like falling in or anything. It’s completely illogical, like a lot of phobias.”

In desperation and after receiving her friend’s wedding invite, Miss Carter contacted Thak’a Na’ama, a hypnotist based in East Yorkshire.

She said: “I was sceptical about hypnotherapy, but I was desperate.

“I knew that I didn’t want to miss out on a big section of Amy’s wedding just because I couldn’t face my fear of water.

“A party was to be held on a catamaran with a bit of sunbathing the day after the wedding.

“My friend told me she’d happily change her plans for me, but I couldn’t let her do that. This was her wedding – it wasn’t mine.”

Miss Carter was visited at her home by Ms Na’ama.

“I was put into a trance,” she said. “While I was under, Thak’a taught me to make sense of water. It gives life. It’s safe. It’s comforting – the opposite of my phobia.”

Miss Carter says she woke up feeling refreshed and later tested herself at Gym 24 Seven at Princes Quay.

“There’s a balcony there, overlooking the water, that I have never been able to walk out onto,” she said. “About a week about the hypnotherapy session I decided to test myself.

“I saw a guy walk over to the balcony, learn up against it and rest his arms on the glass.

“Normally, even that would have been enough for the fear to kick in, but this time nothing happened.

“So I walked up on the balcony and looked out at the water. I felt fine. I was so happy I wanted to cry. I never thought I’d be able to do this.”

After returning from the wedding, Miss Carter decided to book a holiday – island-hopping in Thailand – at the end of the year.

“Thailand is my dream holiday,” she said. “I didn’t think I’d ever be able to go as you can’t go really go to Thailand and no go on boats.

“I am so grateful to Thak’a. She has changed my life.”

Read more: http://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/terrified-water-Princes-Quay-scary-hypnotherapy/story-27933611-detail/story.html#ixzz3nxdMOqWJ

Hypnotherapy for Phobias

A phobia is an irrational and illogical intense fear response to an object or situation which causes panic and anxiety in the sufferer. They occur due to something known as conditioned response and there is much research, including a rather unethical experiment on a human baby, Albert . Little-albert

When an innate object is paired with fear, the fear can be transfer to the object which results in an irrational fear. It is easier to create a phobia of certain things, such as spiders or snakes, but you can create this reaction with simple things such as buttons.

Your reaction to fear is obviously protective and you need to react to danger without delay or question, so the body forces an immediate response to any trigger which relates to fear conditioning. Obviously in some cases this is good, you shouldn’t be questioning whether or not a lion is actually a danger when it is standing in front of you licking it’s lips, but in today’s  society we have few predators and this immediate danger response is not often required.

A phobic response creates the feeling in the sufferer that they are in mortal danger so they react to that feeling without question. The person moves away from that feeling of panic and fear to perceived safety, escaping the potential threat to life. The person may well logically understand that the object of their fear is no actual danger, but they feel unable to go against that feeling. So you have an emotive illogical reaction on one side and the preferred logical response on the other, how do you change it?

I like to see the body as rather simple. Once your brain has learnt a pattern, such as walking, talking, writing etc., it then performs these functions for you automatically. Patterns learnt during times of stress and fear are learnt quicker and are much stronger and deeper than others. This is because your body thinks that responding in the same way as you did at the time of increased stress must have been beneficial to you since you survived! This is rather simplistic of the body and this logic often leads to such problems as stuttering or shaking. The body experiences stress and responds by repeating the same state as it did before

Children act according to how they feel but as we mature, hopefully, logic and rationale increase so our responses change. When you are a child you may believe there is a monster under the bed or in the cupboard, so you launch yourself onto the bed or run past the cupboard to avoid being grabbed. As you grow older you stop believing in monsters so one day you walk slowly and don’t jump. The first time you test the reality you will still feel scared and uncomfortable, but by holding on to what you believe, rather than how you feel, you change the pattern of behaviour and eventually this becomes natural.

When treating a phobic reaction with hypnosis we examine the events which created the response and look to reprocess this memory in order to allow the body to change the emotional content within it. This enables the person to break the conditioning and to begin to absorb a more rational reaction. Rehearsal of this new response in hypnosis and then exposure to the threatening object to prove to the body that it is actually safe, will break the phobia. It may be uncomfortable at first, but the more the new reaction is practiced and the new thought processes used, the more natural the new behaviour will become. It is not necessary to love the object of the phobia, just to react to it without the fear and panic.

Bunny Besley BSc (Hons)

Hypnotherapy for Fear and Phobias

Hypnotherapy for fear and phobias.

Hypnotherapy can be a very effective tool in the treatment of fear related conditions. Fear is a natural emotion, designed to protect us from danger, but when this is attached to illogical or irrational triggers, the effect can be very disruptive to your life.

It is important that we remember what makes us frightened, since if we were still living in the wild, our immediate response to any sign of danger could be the difference between life and death (standing around trying to remember if you should find a lion a threat would not be a good idea.)

Any memory embedded with fear is recalled faster and with more strength to ensure we react to the trigger and if these memories are created as a small child, a child will react to how they ‘feel’ without question. For example, a child may not like the look of a clown, if that clown then comes up to the child and shouts BOO!!, causing them to jump, you have the seeding of a clown phobia. The child will now feel fear every time they see a clown and this neurological pathway becomes embedded  The adult realises that the fear is irrational, but since this response has grown over time in the subconscious mind, they are not able to simply stop the immediate fear reaction.

Hypnosis works by allowing the mind to reevaluate the response on all levels, freeing the person from the conditioned response and breaking the pattern of behaviour.

This process is successful for any fear related condition, such as fear embedded through watching a scary film at a young age,  fear related panic attacks, or any phobic response.

The treatment takes around 4 sessions depending on the individual and appointments are available week days, evenings and weekends.

Bunny Besley

Tel  : 07748647489