Covid 19 Update

Following government guidelines for lock down on 5th November 2020 I am able to offer appointments face to face or over Facetime and whatsapp. If you are in the vulnerable category or in direct contact with a person who is, only video appointments can be offered.

A health and safety appraisal has been conducted and the following precautions :

  • Hand sanitiser will be provided on entry and exit from the premises.
  • The therapy chair will be covered for each appointment and this cover will be washed after every use.
  • There will be an hour between every appointment during which time the room will be cleansed and aired according to the government guidelines.
  • Please bring a bottle of water with you, if you do need water this will be provided in a glass from the dishwasher and my hands will be sanitised.
  • The chairs will be at least 1m apart and that distance will be observed at all times.
  • All areas will be fully sanitised between every appointment and disposable hand towels used in the toilet.
  • Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell in any way including cold, flu or sickness symptoms.
  • Every precaution will be taken by me to keep alert and safe in my personal life and to observe my own temperature and health.

Qualified Hypnotherapist

Qualified Hypnotherapist.

Having read in the papers this weekend about the so called hypnotherapist who assaulted a woman during a therapy session, I too feel incensed at the lack of regulation within the industry. There are only a few unethical practitioners but it must seem a daunting task for the person who is seeking help through hypnosis to be able to trust that the person that they chose knows what they are doing and is capable of providing treatment that is both ethical and effective.

It was for this very reason that after a years course in hypnosis, I chose to extend my studies to gain a degree in the subject which covered a broad spectrum of psychology, including a scientific education in the functioning of the brain and the endocrine system. The course also required us to undertake a scientific research project which I produced on the effects of hypnosis on memory.

Since I finished the degree, the University no longer offers the course, which is a great pity and it is my wish that it will be reinstated at some point in the future so we can put an end to uncertainty and potential harm that the poorly trained therapist can do.


Hypnotherapy as a Scientifically Proven Therapy.

Hypnotherapy as a Scientifically Proven Therapy

The field of hypnosis has an unfortunate reputation for being ‘mythical and magical’. This can often undermine the scientific reasons behind it’s therapeutic uses and can put people off, who may be frightened that I could in some way control their minds while they entered into some zombie like trance.

Clinical hypnosis, when used by fully trained therapists, can produce some amazing results simply by turning your outward focus in on yourself and giving your mind some new neural pathways to create the possibility for change. I have studied the subject for 3 years, gaining a 1st class honours degree, which included a detailed research project in order to advance the scientific evidence for use of hypnosis as a therapeutic tool

It is one of the quickest forms of therapy, producing profound changes, often in as little as 4 sessions. During your treatment, I give you all the tools to enable you to gain new insights and break through old thought patterns, which may have been automatically occurring due to past perceptions.

If you are reading this, then you are considering the possibility of using hypnosis for the change you desire, so don’t be put off by those ‘showmen’ and do try it out for yourself! I am based in Colchester, Lexden but may be able to travel or recommend a similarly qualified therapist in your area.


Degree in Clinical Hypnosis

Degree in Clinical Hypnosis

I am now on the final few months of my degree in Clinical Hypnosis, which is the first educationally recognised qualification in hypnosis. It is very worrying to know that a ‘qualification’ in hypnosis can be given to people with as little as a few hours practice and no formal assesment, which when you consider the sensitivity of the work a therapist undertakes, is extremely worrying and shocking.

The depth of training I have recieved on the degree course gives me and you the confidence that I understand all the scientific basis of the treatment I offer, as well as being fully trained to treat a wide variety of issues according to strict researched and evidence based methods.

Research Project

As the final part of my BSc (hons) degree, I am researching the effects hypnosis has on memory and recall and I am looking for participants who could spare 2 one and a half hour sessions between now and the end of March. It involves being hypnotised using two different methods and learing a short acting script during the hypnosis.

If you are interested in finding out more, please email me.

Many thanks


University Again!!

I took a brave step this Autumn and returned to University to study Clinical Hypnotherapy at St Mary’s University, Twickenham. This degree course is the first formally recognised qualification in hypnotherapy and I’m sure in time it will become the bench mark for the profession.

Hypnosis has, until now, had courses run by a variety of hypnotherapy schools, the best of which are approved by associations such as the GHR. GHR and other similar associations, have strict regulations for their members, which covers their basic training standards and ongoing professional courses and awareness.

Whilst there are many wonderful therapists out there, hypnosis still suffers from this lack of regulation and this leads to the therapy often not being recognised by other health professionals, for its scientifically proven success in treating many neurosis.

This university degree is a huge step forward in recognition of Hypnosis, and it is my sincere hope that in time you will be able to receive treatment through the NHS. I am proud to be one of the first people who will receive a degree in the subject and I am looking forward to wearing that gown again!

xx Bunny xx